Recommended by Health Care Professionals

Paula Brian, PT
"Patients tend to tense up and resist in anticipation of pain when I go to place my hands on their post-surgical knee. GoKnee puts control of the movement back into the patient's hands and allows them to achieve a greater ROM more quickly - but at a pace THEY control, and on a schedule they control. They can do it anytime they want at home (or even during a quick break during their work day)."

Samantha Johnson, PTA
"I have nothing but great experiences with the GoKnee! It allows the patient to be in control of increasing their ROM while decreasing their pain level."

Linda Bloodworth, PT, MS, GCS, PhD
"My uncle had a TKR at 88 years of age and, as a PT, I stayed with him a few days after surgery to help him get a good start on his rehab. We used the GoKnee to help him get the ROM he needed - which was excellent within the first few days after surgery. He was able to use the GoKnee by himself, giving me peace of mind knowing he had an effective home program he could (and would!) continue. I believe the GoKnee allowed him to achieve good ROM quickly and safely. Since he could use it independently, it helped his motivation and self-confidence going through the rehab process."
Recommended by Patients

Larry Hughes
2 Knee Replacement Surgeries
“I started using GoKnee a few weeks before my scheduled surgery. My physical therapists were amazed that my movement was so good. On the knee bend he said they were looking for at least 75. My knee went to 120. Everyone was impressed! At my 4 week follow-up, my therapist told me that I was at the 12-week mark in terms of progress. My bend was 123 with no help and I could fully straighten it. My surgeon called and asked if I wanted to have the other knee done 3 weeks sooner than planned because I was doing so well.”

Diane Thayer
2 Knee Replacements & Revision Surgery
“Last week I had my 3 and 6 month removed appointment with my surgeon. He was amazed at how much flexion I have achieved. I measured 128 degrees on the 3 month out knee replacement and almost 130 degrees on the 6 month out knee replacement. Both knees were measured with no additional help to achieve the flexion. I continue to use my GoKnee everyday most days 3 times. I know I would not have been able to get these results without it. Thank you for being a part of bringing GoKnee to patients like myself.”